Thursday, July 30, 2009

packing CONTiNUES to suck

I have purchased a few nites at a hostel in sydney so far. and have currencies foreign. but i have still not figured out how to put my life into my backpack completely. the ups man brought my new eee pc though. it shall be a sweet hax0r *nix box. it does not have a name as of yet. i would inquire bout suggestions, but i dont htink i have readers yet (or ever).

on a note related to the title of this blogg thing, today my boss needed someone to poop into a box and over night it to the east coast. he offered to buy someone a burrito in return. liz and rob then proceeded to discuss the efficacy of coffee on the intestines. im going to miss work. we blend frozen rats, play with very expensive computers and talk about poop regularly

Sunday, July 26, 2009

PaCKiNG sucks

i have a backpack that can hold multiple midgets (dwarfs?) or something. i'm pretty sure i could smuggle one of the smaller pyramids somewhere. this is that "hey this is a first blog post entry" entry. it is in no way at all related to the first paragraph of a book. regardless of the quality of this posting, i guarentee that this blog will suck (and yes, i miss spelled gurantee in protest of things not fixign my typing automatically). look at this picture of suck (grrrrrrrr):

if lincoln could grrr, that'd be weird.